About ICS

Our mission is to alleviate the effects of poverty, hunger, homelessness and addiction by providing community-based social services to those in need.


Immanuel Community Services (ICS) is the longest social service agency in South Lake Union, serving individuals experiencing hunger & homelessness in the greater Seattle area. Through our four programs -   SLU Food Bank at ICS, ICS Hygiene Center, a residential ICS Recovery Shelter and Community Lunch & meal program - for 45 years, we've cared for those struggling to survive.

ICS partners with service providers, faith communities and community members as we work to nurture community and serve the most vulnerable in the community.

ICS strives to build relationships and be a place where people can become connected and involved, working together, side-by-side, to maintain dignity, rekindle hope and create a community of belonging.


Non-Profit of the Year - SLU Chamber, 2020

2023 Neighbor Day Recognition - City of Seattle


Board of Directors


Elizabeth Reilly, Board Chair
Renee Notkin, Vice Chair
Jaime Cardenas, Treasurer
Hakme Lee, Secretary
Curt Archambault, Immediate Past Chair

Members at Large

Mark Evans

Josh Post

Anders Thomas

Erik Wilson-Weiberg

MJ Kiser, ILC Liaison

Pastor Priscilla Paris-Austin, Ex-Officio




Shawna McMahon - Executive Director

Natalie Dewey-Smith - Development & Communications Manager

Benjamin Garrett - Hygiene Center Coordinator

Kayla Mildren - Homeless Services Manager

Rodrigo Sanchez - Food Services Manager

Janet Watness - Community Lunch Coordinator

Terrence Lewis - Recovery Shelter Coordinator

Michael Dart - Bookkeeper

Christy Florez - YMCA Intern


Our programs are made possible by the generous support from our partners...