ICS Recovery Shelter

The ICS Recovery Shelter provides a safe, supportive, clean and sober living environment for homeless men working to overcome addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Residents stay with us for up to a year if needed in order to complete their program and move into stable housing and start a new life free of addiction.
We have a long-standing partnership with The Matt Talbot Center where the men attend a Intensive Outpatient Treatment during the day and in the evenings and weekends, ICS is their home. We offer a warm and emotionally supportive environment so the men can focus on their recovery. The men share in the responsibility of communal living, including cooking, cleaning and providing building security. The food is plentiful, a locker is provided for their belongings and they have free access to showers and laundry facilities. The men also participate in meetings and discuss important topics to help in their recovery process including anger management, conflict resolution, hygiene, learning life skills, learn how to cook healthy meals on a budget and effective communication.
The success of the ICS Recovery Shelter is attributable to the hard work the men put into their own recovery. This program can offer opportunities for the men to make dramatic and permanent changes in their lives.
Those interested in our Recovery Shelter should contact The Matt Talbot Center to discuss recovery options and the possibility of staying with us at ICS.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with addiction, you can find help at the Washington Recovery Helpline: (866) 789-1511.
If you or anyone you know is in need of mental health or crisis services, call 988.